Danielle was brought to the Care Centre in March 2014, and at that time she was named Suyatmi after the person who surrendered her to OFI. Dr Birute Galdikas has since renamed her in memory of a young supporter who sadly passed away. Danielle was a very undernourished, tiny and traumatised baby. Because she was so small, the vets first guessed her to be about 6 months old, however on closer examination they found she had already developed quite a few teeth which indicated that she was about about 1 year old. They also discovered that she had 2 pellets from an air gun embedded in her abdomen and 1 under her chin. They waited until she had put on weight and was more stable, and I'm pleased to advise that she was operated on and the pellets have been removed. She may have some issues with her bottom front teeth, however currently this does not hinder her in any way. Despite the trauma she will have experienced at such an early age, she has come a long way and is now very strong and confidant. Sometimes even too confidant as she bosses around the younger infants with whom she shares a sleeping enclosure. She is extremely active and loves her excursions to the baby forest.
We are confidant that she will continue to develop well as she progresses through her rehabilitation.
By joining Orangutan Aid and becoming a guardian of Danielle, you can help her and the hundreds of other orphaned and displaced orangutans receive the care and love they need to survive.
Orangutan Aid - helping orphaned orangutans and rainforest conservation projects.